Enoplida: Kunci menuju Famili

1. a. No cephalic capsule and stoma without mandibles but with teeth or unarmed; caudal glands absent or in tail or extending precaudally 2
  b. Cephalic capsule present and stoma with solid mandibles with unguiform anterior end (Fig. 9.4 J); teeth shorter than mandibles; one tubular precloacal supplement in male; caudal glands extending precaudally. Enoplina
Family: Enoplidae
2. a. Stoma very small, almost nonexistent. 3
  b. Stoma larger, armed with teeth or unarmed. 5
3. a. Body not extremely narrowing anteriorly; caudal glands absent 4
  b. Body very thin anteriorly, at low magnification head region difficult to differentiate from tail region; caudal glands present  Ironina
Family: Oxystomatidae
4. a. Anterior sensilla arranged in two circlets and papilliform; males monorchic. Alaimina
Family: Alaimidae
  b. Only six outer labial setae visible; males diorchic. Family Andrassyiidae
5. a. Stoma not elongated, armed or unarmed 6
  b.  Stoma elongated, anteriorly with three well-developed eversible hamulate teeth (Fig. 9.4 K) Ironina
Family: Ironidae
6. a. Stoma subdivided or not, armed with teeth. 7
  b. Stoma large spacious and toothless. Enoplina
Family: Anoplostomidae
7. a. Stoma subdivided, teeth present. 8
  b. Stoma not subdivided or with different chambers; teeth large, hollow, can be unequal (Fig. 9.4 P) Family: Oncholaimidae
8. a. Stoma subdivided in two unequal parts, with three teeth and largest tooth ventrosublateral; male exceptionally without stoma Family: Enchelidiidae
  b. Stoma with several chambers, armed with teeth or cuticular projections; six outer labial setae longer than four cephalic setae Tripyloidina
Family: Tripyloididae